I received my Mistress (Masters) of Goddess Spirituality from The Women’s Thealogical Institute. I graduated from a 6 year program, which is designed to delve into the inner mysteries of yourself and womens spirituality. This was a transformational experience in my journey that has informed who I have become.
Geo Cameron Trevarthen, PhD, is a Celtic Shaman from Scotland. I took an intensive course from her near the beginning of my own spiritual journey. Learn more about Celtic Shamanism at: http://www.celticshamanism.com
I took classes and shared shamanic journey circles and experiences with Ann Marie Waterhouse, who studied at The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, founded by Michael Harner. Learn about his style of shamanic practice at http://www.shamanism.org. Ann Marie was also my Usui Reiki Master. You can learn more about Reiki at http://www.reiki.org/faq/whatisreiki.html. Ann Marie’s own website includes information about her Reiki practice and shamanic work. http://www.eagleheartphotography.com.
I have been blessed to learn from and share sacred space with many other teachers
throughout my journey. Below is a list of some of the many people who have helped add to
that experience. I encourage you to explore their sites and learn more about their important
work rebirthing the Goddess into our lives.
Starhawk– Author, Organizer, Activist http://www.starhawk.org
Jean Shinoda Bolen – Leader, Author, Educator http://www.jeanshinodabolen.com
Zsuzsanna Budapest – Leader, Author, Priestess http://www.zbudapest.com
Patricia Monaghan – Author, Educator, Researcher http://www.patriciamonaghan.com
Ubaka Hill – Performer, Drummer, Facilitator http://www.ubakahilldrumsong.com
Jennifer Berezan – Singer, Teacher, Activist http://www.edgeofwonder.com
Layne Redmond – Author, Drummer, Bee Priestess http://www.layneredmond.com
Lydia Ruyle – Artist, Scholar, Iconographer – http://www.lydiaruyle.com
Judy Piazza – Musician, Educator, Researcher http://www.resonanceandrhythms.com
Max Dashu – Herstorian, Educator, Archivist http://www.suppressedhistories.net
Dale Allen – Performing Artist, Educator, Lecturer http://daleallenproductions.com
Sid Reger – Artist, Teacher, Priestess http://www.goddessmandala.com